Guides and how-to's

Everything you need to know to set up Semonto for your business and start monitoring your websites and servers successfully.

Frequent errors explained

Need help understanding Semonto alert notifications? Check out our guide.

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Get the most out of an uptime report

How to interpret our uptime reports.

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How to Check Your Website for Broken Links With Semonto

In this manual, we show you how you can check your website for broken links using our monitoring tool Semonto.

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How to enable Slack notifications

In this article, we will guide you through the steps for receiving Slack notifications from Semonto.

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How to monitor your TLS/SSL certificates

TLS/SSL monitoring allows you to keep an eye on multiple websites and their security certificates.

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How to monitor your website

Need help understanding Semonto alert notifications? Check out our guide.

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Managing Team Members

Invite and manage team members in Semonto.

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Mixed content monitoring icon

How to Check Your Website for Mixed Content

Mixed content is one of the lesser-known threats to the security of your website. In this article, we show you how you can find and fix it.

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Choose who needs to get notified when and how.

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QuickStart Beginner’s Guide to Semonto

If you just want to use the basic functionalities of Semonto.

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Setting up a Monitor

An extensive guide for getting started monitoring your websites or servers.

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Setting up PulseChecks

A guide on monitoring non-webservers or periodical scripts with Semonto.

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Testing the reachability of a website or server

And how to solve the most common reachability issues.

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Using Status Pages

Find out how you can use Status Pages to keep your clients informed.

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