Semonto's features

Monitoring tool Semonto alerts you when something is wrong with your website, app or server so you can fix the issue before anyone notices. Discover the features that help you stay in control.

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website monitoring icon

Website Monitoring

Get alerted immediately when your website is unreachable or slow to respond. Fix the issue before anyone else notices.

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lock with warning icon

TLS/SSL Certificate Monitoring

Monitor the validity of your SSL certificate and get alerted when there is a problem. Renew your HTTPS certificate well in advance and avoid security warnings.

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broken link icon

Broken Link Monitoring

Semonto monitors your website 24/7 and immediately reports any broken links. This way, you can fix the link before anyone notices.

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Document icon

Website performance report

Create a beautiful PDF report to download, print or forward.

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clipboard icon

Uptime Reports

Understand exactly what went wrong with your website or server and how long it lasted. Identify structural problems that need fixing.

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Browser icon with HTTPS text label

Mixed content monitoring

Protect the security, reputation and content of your website.

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Status Page icon

Status Pages

Keep your customers automatically informed when something bad happens to your online services so you can focus on resolving the issue instead.

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Notifications icon


Pick your preferred way to get notified when your services are down or back up. All notification options are available in every Semonto plan.

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PulseCheck icon


Monitor a server behind a firewall, a complex NAT situation or a server without an active webserver. Monitor whether periodical scripts are executed successfully.

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code icon

Custom Server Tests

Safely monitor any server parameter you want, even those that are usually not externally accessible for security reasons.

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Server monitoring icon

Server Monitoring

Test the availability of your servers. Know when something affects their performance. Avoid interruption of your services.

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