Why we made Semonto and who we are.

Creating a website and server monitoring service for anyone.

Our story

In 2006, I started a side project with some friends. It was a cool web app idea we had. During its development, our hosting was done by a web hosting provider. We noticed that quite often, our web app was unreachable due to problems at the hosting provider. So I wrote a tool to perform periodical tests on the web app and to save the results. These results were processed every month to establish an overview and convert them into uptime reports.

This tool evolved into Semonto, our Server Monitoring Tool. Based on the same concept, we continued to develop and extend the functionalities. Along the way, we added custom tests, custom alert notifications and SSL validation. We also needed to find a way to monitor non-web servers, which resulted in the creation of PulseChecks.

The team grew as well: It started off with one guy, with some help from a designer. Currently, Semonto is developed by a front-end developer and designer as well. And recently a sales and marketing strategist has joined us. We have a private beta program and some ambassadors who help to continuously improve Semonto and supply us with the feedback we really love.

Jelle De Laender

Meet the team

Jelle De Laender

Jelle De Laender

Jelle founded Coding Mammoth in 2007, to work on his own ideas and projects like Semonto, QuickScale, MijnLijn and more. He also helps other companies to reach their objectives and goals, like Sketch. In his spare time, he is also interested in security research, AWS cloud hosting, macro photography, running, 3D printing and more. Get in touch with him!

Kathy Salden

Kathy Salden

Copywriter and translator Kathy joined the team in 2019. She helps us put our ideas and technical functionalities into words that anyone can understand. She is a knowledge junkie, hooked on books, coffee and all things marketing. Slightly allergic to mornings. Owner of multiple cats. Let her know how you feel about Semonto. She loves to help!

Jelle Kalkman

Jelle Kalkman

This Jelle joined us to develop the frontend of Semonto. He has a background in photography and holds a bachelor's degree in computer science. In his designs he has a special interest in user experience. When he is not working on a front-end project he is probably riding or maintaining one of his bicycles. Just like everyone else at Semonto he loves cats.