
4 Free Tools to Check The Health of Your Website

Every website will run pretty smoothly for the first year or so. But just like a car, it will start to fall apart over time if you do not give it a regular check-up. At Coding Mammoth, we have created 4 free tools to check the health of your website. In the following sections, we will explain what these checks are, why they are important and how you can use them for free.

Jelle De Laender 19 April 2021

1. Check your uptime with our free reachability checker

With our free reachability checker, you find out whether your website is down for everyone or just you. If you cannot load your website, enter the URL here, and we will check its reachability from multiple locations around the world. It helps you understand whether you are dealing with a local problem or not. We will also give you any information we can find about the downtime. For example, we provide the HTTP status code, which can help you to further narrow down what the cause of the downtime is.

Check the reachability of your website here

2. Check your security with our free HTTPS checker

A website should be protected with an HTTPS certificate to make sure that the connection is secure. When you purchase a website, this protection should already be in place. But like every certificate, the certificate protecting your website has an expiration date. If your HTTPS certificate is generated manually, it will need to be renewed and replaced in time. Certificates can also be managed automatically, but just like any computer program, an error can result in a failed renewal of the certificate. In other words: you could already be dealing with an expired certificate, meaning that your web connection is no longer sufficiently protected. Browsers will notice this and flag your website as not-secure with a warning message, affecting your SEO ranking and online reputation. With our free HTTPS checker, you can check whether your HTTPS (also called SSL) certificate is still valid, who issued it and at which date it should be renewed.

Check the HTTPS certificate of your website for free

3. Double-check your security with our free mixed content checker

There is one more thing that can jeopardize the security of your website’s connection, even if you have a valid HTTPS certificate in place. That threat is called mixed content. When you pull resources (think about images, files, videos, Javascript and CSS) over a non-secure connection (HTTP instead of HTTPS), you undermine your own HTTPS certificate. We call this mixed content because you are mixing up HTTP and HTTPS. These things happen by accident, and you are usually not aware when it occurs. With our free mixed content checker, you can identify all the cases of mixed content on your website and correct them before any harm is done.

Check your website for mixed content for free

4. Check your usability with our free broken link checker

A website is a living organism in the sense that it gets updated regularly. But with every change, a link can accidentally get broken. Over time, every website inevitably accumulates a number of broken links. Most people are not aware of them. But every broken link is a page that does not work and therefore returns an error message. The more broken links you have, the less satisfied your visitors are. And not just your visitors: Google as well. Search engines penalize websites with many broken links by dropping them to a lower position in the search results. With our free broken link checker, you find out exactly how many broken links you have on your website and where, so you can fix them.

Check your website for broken links here

What is the difference between these free tools and the paid version of Semonto?

While these free tools allow you to see your website's current status, a paid subscription of Semonto enables you to monitor your website 24/7. The difference can be compared to giving your car a check-up once at the garage versus having an intelligent dashboard in your car informing you in real-time when you need to change your tire or oil. For your website, this means that you are alerted automatically when your website is offline or slow to respond, when your HTTPS certificate expires, and when mixed content or broken links are detected, so you can fix the issues immediately before they can do any harm. With Semonto, you get access to all the tools mentioned in this article and many more. Why not create a free trial? You can get started without entering your credit card details and there is no automatic extension of your trial. Get started today and enjoy the feeling of complete control and peace of mind. Semonto has your back!

No credit card required. Cancel anytime. No automatic renewal after the trial.

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