
NEW: Broken link timeline

We have added a chart that shows you the evolution of the number of broken links on your website in the last 30 days.

Jelle De Laender 14 October 2022

Semonto was already checking your broken links

If you want to offer your website visitors the best user experience, you must ensure every link works. Semonto already helps you with that, by alerting you when a broken link is found and by keeping track of your broken links in the dashboard. You can also generate a PDF report for a selected period whenever you want.

Now we have added a progress chart

But now, we have added a visual aid to help you see your progress in that area. When you go to the Broken link section in Semonto, you will see a graph showing the evolution of your broken links in the last 30 days. This helps you see whether your fixes were successful. It’s also a great way to show your clients or manager the value you are providing if you are responsible for technical maintenance.

Broken links timeline in Semonto

This is where you can find it

Do you want to see the chart for yourself? Log into your Semonto account, go to one of the websites you are monitoring, and select Broken link details in the Broken Link section.

A different colour for the different types of links

In addition to the evolution of the number of broken links, you can also see whether these links were major broken links (indicated in red), minor broken links (orange) or just notices (grey). This gives you clear insight into the severity of the situation.

We also added it for mixed content

We added the same chart for mixed content so that you can quickly see the evolution of insecure sources on your website.

Mixed content timeline in Semonto

Let us know what you think!

We hope that you enjoy this new addition. Feel free to reach out if you want to give your feedback.

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