List of Subprocessors

Coding Mammoth, the company behind Semonto, is using multiple vendors required to provide the Semonto service. The vendors processing customer data are listed below.

Last update: 01 January 2021

NameType of dataPurposeData Location
Digital OceanIP addressesCloud hosting/infrastructureUSA + EU
LinodeIP addressesCloud hosting/infrastructureUSA
NetlifyIP addressesWebsite hosting and CDNUSA
PaddlePayment data Email addressPayment providerUK
Google WorkspaceEmailsEmail ServiceUSA
MandrillEmail addressesTransactional EmailsUSA
MailchimpEmail addressesNewsletter EmailsUSA
MessageBirdSMS numbersSMS AlertingEU
ClickatellSMS numbersSMS AlertingUSA
Google AnalyticsIP-addressesWebsite analyticsUSA
FreshWorksEmail addresses, namesCRMUSA
HeadwayIP addressesRelease notesUSA
SentryIP addressesCollecting crash and exceptions to improve app qualityUSA

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